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Ein Moment mit … Yul Anderson

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Ein Moment mit ... Yul AndersonAls er 17 Jahre alt war, schenkte ihm seine Mutter die erste Gitarre, mit 12 tourte er bereits durch die San Francisco Bay, spielte mit Earthquake, Eddie Money und Ray Charles. Als Yul Anderson 14 Jahre alt war, brachte er sich das Klavierspielen bei. Bereits in den achtziger Jahren zog es Anderson nach Europa. Er ging nach Florenz, engagierte sich bei Amnesty International und rief dort den Multi-Cultural Entertainment Circuit ins Leben, eine Benefizkonzertreihe, die ihn durch Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, die Schweiz und Deutschland führte. 2002 war er a Soundtrack von John Malcovichs Regiedebut „The Dancer Upstairs“ (Der Obrist und die Tänzerin) beteiligt.
Heute lebt Yul Anderson in Kopenhagen.

Anlässlich seiner Konzerte in Deutschland gab der Künstler Feuilletonscout ein kurzes Interview.

Ein Moment mit ... Yul AndersonFeuilletonscout: You say the following about your concerts: „When people come to my performances they should be prepared to take a musical journey, a flight through a personal universe of rhythm and blues blended with classical, rock, jazz and all kinds of improvised sounds. My wish is to give the audience pure music created in the moment”.
Do you know in advance what is going to happen during a concert evening? What you will be playing? Or is the entire concert an improvisation?
Yul Anderson: The performance of my expression through music is as breathing. We know that we are breathing but have experiences that changes our breathing. It is the same with playing. When you do not read music for remembering how this solo goes or that solo goes then you only play what you are feeling.

Feuilletonscout: You combine classical European composers with jazz and blues in your music. Which artist has influenced you most?
Yul Anderson: There is no particular artist that influences my expression. It is a kind of combination of all the experiences that one goes through life that creates the spirit of improvisation or just playing what you feel. In my emotions there are elements of many feelings from other great creators of sound and improvisations such as Hendrix, Bach, Debussy, Ravel, Mahala Jackson gospel and blues which is the root of our feeling having been brought over to America as slaves. Blues and gospel is the cry of the love felt by people who endure harmful and degrading behavior of those who have no kind of heart. This is the naked truth of the feelings of our musical expression.
Even Debussy and Ravel were influenced by the emotions of the slave experience and the feelings of blues and gospel that were and still are expressions of our past and present condition. Debussy and Ravel impressionism is their impression of the music rooted in the blues or gospel of our enduring spirit and conditions. This is why we can relate of 18th , 19th Century Classical music performing expressions of our experience is North America

Feuilletonscout: You still give street concerts. Why? You already fill large concert halls.
Yul Anderson: Performing on the streets is wonderful because that is where the people are. That is where the magical world of true experience gives birth the each and every person. To walk into the sound of someone expressing themselves is the most honest way, whether through music or art or words, or hugs or commitment to something they truly understand will bring a smile upon faces and peace and love in the hearts and minds is always wonderful and should be expressed between everyone in the streets.

Feuilletonscout: You are very strongly engaged in non-profit organizations, giving benefit concerts and inviting socially committed volunteers, homeless people, as well as children from the local hospice to a concert on your present tour. Where would you say this intense interest, this strong commitment comes from?
Yul Anderson: Every cause is a garden we can choose to help cultivate, maintain, water and replenish. This is why we are put here upon the Garden of Earth. To Grow. With a whole lot of love and expression through The Word and from the Heaven of Piano Expression.

Thanks for the interview, Yul Anderson!

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Yul Anderson “The Ultimate Piano Experience”. Noch ein Konzert in Hamburg

Donnerstag, 23.10.2014, 20 Uhr
Laeiszhalle, Hamburg

Karten bei allen bekannten VvK-Stellen, TicketOnline.de und Eintrittskarten.de.


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