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5 Minuten und 44 Sekunden mit… David Christie (1948 – 1997)

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David Christie schrieb Hits für Tina Charles, Gloria Gaynor und Grace Jones.
Mit „Saddle Up“ aus dem Jahr 1982 erreichte Christie als Solist Platz 12 der deutschen, Platz vier der schweizerischen und Platz neun der britischen Charts.

Deswegen heute: Die Discokugel rausgeholt, den Regler hochgeschoben – und einfach mal gut fünf Minuten Auszeit nehmen vom Alltag.

Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Sit around and you will just cry.
The first step is the longest
When the windis blowin‘ strongest
Check out from heartbreak hotel
Saddle up your horse and ride like hell!
Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Get on your high horse and ride

No use herding blues at rancho, rauncho
Put on your sombrero an your – poncho
Don’t stay where trouble will find you
Go… while the getting is good
You’ll find the end of a rainbow
Just as soon as you’ve understood.

Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Sit around and you will just cry.
The first step is the longest
When the windis blowin‘ strongest
Check out from heartbreak hotel
Saddle up your horse and ride like hell!
Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Get on your high horse and ride

No use imitating the love ranger
You don’t have to act just like
A stranger
Hard times can easily drown you
Go… don’t let blues surround you
Good times are there for the taking
Hit the trail there’s no mistaking

Saddle up your horse and ride like hell!
Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Get on your high horse and ride

Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Sit around and you will just cry.
The first step is the longest
When the windis blowin‘ strongest
Check out from heartbreak hotel
Saddle up your horse and ride like hell!
Saddle up and ride your pony
Sit around and you’ll be lonley
Saddle up and make the dust fly
Get on your high horse and ride


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